The first women’s school in Korea with a history of 120 years
Soong Eui Women’s University, the heart of women’s education
School that has churned out numerous female pioneers

  • 1903

    Korea’s first women’s community college founded in Pyeongyang in 1903

  • 1938

    Churned out countless female independence activists, voluntarily closed due to refusal to worship Japanese Shinto shrine

  • 1953

    Rebuilt in Namsan Mountain, Seoul, located at the center of women’s education in Korea

Campus Life beginning from Myeong-dong, Seoul


5-Minute walk from Exit No.3 of Myeong-dong Station (Subway Line No.4)

Myeong-dong, the Center of the World and the Hot Place of Seoul!!
The campus located only 5 minutes away from Myeong-dong, the heart of the Korean tourism and shopping industry


Beautiful Campus located in Namsan Mountain of Seoul

Only Soong Eui Women’s University students have the privilege of enjoying their campus located in Namsan mountain where Seoul citizens and foreign visitors visit the N Seoul Tower, use Namsan cable cars, and enjoy watching beautiful cherry blossoms.


10-Minute from Chungmuro / The Center of K-Contents movies.

Fully equipped with educational environment where students can experience and learn about K-movies just 10 minutes away from the campus.

Lowest Tuition Fee, providing top level education

Soong Eui Women’s University 5,967,168 won  /

Average tuition fee of 42 private community colleges (6,542,434 won)

  • Soong Eui Women’s University


  • Seoul University A


  • Seoul University B


  • Seoul University C


  • Gyeonggi province University D


  • Seoul University E



The lowest tuition fee among 42 private community colleges in the capital region based on tuition fees in 2023 (based on the status of tuition fees from university information disclosure)

Excellent Scholarship Support System
  1. 01. Tuition Waver Scholarship
    (for admitted semester)

    Scholarship for incoming freshman with highest grade for the major, scholarship for freshman with excellent language grades, alumni family scholarship, scholarship for intensive major course admission

  2. 02. Tuition Waver Scholarship
    • Scholarship for excellence in admission, scholarship for academic excellence, scholarship for excellent grades (A,B,C)
    • Leadership scholarship (student executives & newspaper/broadcasting station), welfare scholarship, Soong Eui family scholarship, scholarship for children of pastors,
    • Scholarship for children of veterans (in-school response), Hansarang scholarship, Multicultural family scholarship, scholarship for talented students
  3. 03. Scholarship beyond Tuition

    Scholarship for excellent talent, scholarship for Soong Eui elite, exemplary student scholarship, clover scholarship

  4. 04. Work-Study Scholarship

    National work scholarship(in-school response), Mokryeon administrative scholarship, Mokryeon study scholarship

  1. 01. Tuition Waver Scholarship
    • Korea Student Aid Foundation : National scholarship type 1, National scholarship type 2 (for supporting freshmen & transfer students), Post-high school learner scholarship, Scholarship for technical talent
    • Veterans Administration : Scholarship for Children of Veterans (government-supported)
    • Rural Hope Foundation (RHOF) : Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Scholarship
    • Seoul Scholarship Foundation : Seoul Hope College Scholarship
    • Others : Scholarship for children of volunteer firefighters, Mokmyeok scholarship, Alumni association scholarship, Scholarship by alumni association of each department, Professor scholarship, Scholarship for children of Saemaul leader
  2. 02. Scholarship beyond Tuition
    • Korea Student Aid Foundation : Blue Lighthouse Donation Scholarship, Blue Lighthouse SAMSUNG Donation Scholarship, National Labor Scholarship (government-supported)
    • Others : Junior Love scholarship, Hana scholarship, Bang Jeong-hwan scholarship, Veterans scholarship, externally selected scholarship, etc.

Excellent Education Donation Institution

교육기부 우수기관 이미지
교육기부 우수기관 Donation for Education
  • Selected as an excellent education donation institution for giving back to society and sharing by the Korea Foundation for Advancement of Science and Creativity (up to 2023)
  • College in which one third of enrolled students practice social volunteer services
    (Based on social volunteer service capacity of university information disclosure in 2022 / Ranked 7th among nationwide community colleges)

Education Quality Certified University

교육품질인증대학 이미지

세계속으로 더 멀리 더 높이

Global Pioneer 숭의여자대학교

글로벌 리더 육성을 위한 숭의 국제교류 시스템

교육품질인증 영문 이미지

Cert.No 21-09

certificate of accreoitation

This is to cartify that


is accredited by the Korea Accreditation Board for Vocational Higher Education, Korean Council for University College Education which is recognized by the Ministry of Education under the Higher Eduction Act.

effective period : January 1, 202 ~ December 31, 2024

Ho Woong Lee

President, Ph.D. Ho Woong Lee Korea Accreditation Board for Vocational Higher Education

교육품질인증 이미지

제 인증 21-09 호


  • 대학명 : 숭의여자대학교
  • 유효기간 : 2021.01.01 ~ 2024.12.31(4년)

위 대학은 고등교육법 제11조의2에 근거하여 고육부 지정 한국전문대학교육협의회부설 고등직업교육평가인증원이 실시한 기관평가원인증 심사에서 교육품질 인증대학으로 선정되었기에 인증서를 수여합니다.

2021년 1월 1일


Passed evaluation certification in 6 areas, including education quality certified university, university development, students, etc. certified by KAVE (Korea Accreditation Board for Vocational Higher Education)
(Certified period Jan. 1, 2021 ~ Dec. 31, 2024 / 4 years)

The University With You where

professors and students empathize and learn together

  • 01

    1:1 Academic Adviser System

    A specialized With You system only available in Soong Eui Women’s University where professors and students can empathize and learn together

  • 02

    Specialized Academic Adviser System

    A 1:1 academic adviser system for helping students adapt to academics and campus life, and substantialization of counseling support

  • 03

    Campus Life without Barriers

    Students view cultural events together with professors and have small talk with a professor while walking around Namsan Park, and enjoy a campus life with no barriers where all generations socialize together

  • 1,820 persons participated in With You 268 times
  • 5,117 persons participated in academic adviser assignment
  • 170% of enrolled students participated in dedicated academic adviser system
  • The best dedicated academic adviser program in Korea
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From Myeong-dong, the Center of the WorldOperation of global female talent fostering program

글로벌 여성인재 육성 프로그램 이미지
  • Credit exchange program for enrolled students

    Operating credit exchange program with ‘Seika Women’s Junior College (Japan)’

  • English conversation program between students and native speakers

    Satisfaction of enrolled students 82% / regular recruitment during semesters / Support connection to liberal arts credit

  • Overseas training support for enrolled students

    Japan, US, Australia, Canada (signed international exchange agreement with prominent universities in 4 countries)
    Japan : Seika Women’s Junior College / US : S.V.A(School of Visual Arts)
    Australia : MIT Institute / Canada : Vanwest College

Signed agreement of curriculum in connection
to 4-year Prestigious Universities in Korea

교육과정 연계협약 체결 이미지


  • 연세대학교(미래캠퍼스) YONSEI UNIVERSITY 1885
  • 건국대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) KONKUK UNIVERSITY KOREA 1931

Entered into industry-academia cooperation
with prominent domestic companies,
government and public institutions

산학협력 네트워크 : 학술기관 및 단체, 기업체 및 의료기관, 협회 및 비영리기관, 정부기관 지자체 및 공공기관

State-of-the-art Practical Training Environment

최첨단 실습환경 이미지01

On-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV
Signed MOU with YG Entertainment

Conducting classes to suit the practical business environment through on-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV
Providing education, lectures, and special lectures for artists and trainees of YG Entertainment

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On-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV
Signed MOU with YG Entertainment

Conducting classes to suit the practical business environment through on-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV
Providing education, lectures, and special lectures for artists and trainees of YG Entertainment

최첨단 실습환경 이미지03

On-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV
Signed MOU with YG Entertainment

Conducting classes to suit the practical business environment through on-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV
Providing education, lectures, and special lectures for artists and trainees of YG Entertainment

최첨단 실습환경 이미지04

On-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV
Signed MOU with YG Entertainment

Conducting classes to suit the practical business environment through on-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV
Providing education, lectures, and special lectures for artists and trainees of YG Entertainment

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On-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV
Signed MOU with YG Entertainment

Conducting classes to suit the practical business environment through on-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV
Providing education, lectures, and special lectures for artists and trainees of YG Entertainment

최첨단 실습환경 이미지06

On-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV
Signed MOU with YG Entertainment

Conducting classes to suit the practical business environment through on-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV
Providing education, lectures, and special lectures for artists and trainees of YG Entertainment

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Customized practical training environment

Fully equipped with the latest practical training environment, including current affairs studio, media practice room, video production room, ensemble room, etc.

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Customized practical training environment

Fully equipped with the latest practical training environment, including current affairs studio, media practice room, video production room, ensemble room, etc.

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Customized practical training environment

Fully equipped with the latest practical training environment, including current affairs studio, media practice room, video production room, ensemble room, etc.

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Customized practical training environment

Fully equipped with the latest practical training environment, including current affairs studio, media practice room, video production room, ensemble room, etc.

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Customized practical training environment

Fully equipped with the latest practical training environment, including current affairs studio, media practice room, video production room, ensemble room, etc.

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Customized practical training environment

Fully equipped with the latest practical training environment, including current affairs studio, media practice room, video production room, ensemble room, etc.

최첨단 실습환경 이미지01

On-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV Signed MOU with YG Entertainment

최첨단 실습환경 이미지02

On-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV Signed MOU with YG Entertainment

최첨단 실습환경 이미지03

On-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV Signed MOU with YG Entertainment

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On-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV Signed MOU with YG Entertainment

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On-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV Signed MOU with YG Entertainment

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On-the-job training at OBS Gyeongin TV Signed MOU with YG Entertainment

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K-POP / K-MOVE Customized practical training environment

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K-POP / K-MOVE Customized practical training environment

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K-POP / K-MOVE Customized practical training environment

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K-POP / K-MOVE Customized practical training environment

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K-POP / K-MOVE Customized practical training environment

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K-POP / K-MOVE Customized practical training environment

Leading university in open lifelong education

  • Credit bank
  • Childcare teacher refresher training courses
  • Specialized
  • Government-academic cooperation course
  • OBS broadcasting academy course
  • Course for acquiring Bachelor of
    Library and Information Science under the name of the Minister of Education
  • General job training for childcare teachers / Education for promotion to Level 1 Childcare Teacher
    Education for long-term unemployed teachers / General job training for nursery school director
  • Child-family psychological counselor / children’s reading instructor
    Play psychological counselor Level 2 / Ticket manager Level 2
  • Children specialist course
    Father (mother)’s son (daughter) empathizing academy course
  • Broadcasting writer course/drama writer course
    Instagram-YOUTUBE video production course Speech & Image-making coaching course
  • 학점은행제과정 이미지
  • 보육교사 보수교육과정 이미지
  • 전문과정 이미지
  • 관학협약과정 이미지
  • OBS방송아카데미과정 이미지