
May 11, 2001

Yoon Soon-hee inaugurated as chairwoman (Inauguration ceremony on May 11)

연혁 이미지

Jul. 5, 2001

Signed international exchange agreement with Long Island University

Jul. 6, 2001

Signed international exchange agreement with The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale

Jul. 9, 2001

Signed international exchange agreement with The Art Institute of Seattle

Sept. 17, 2001

Approved change of school system to 3-year departments : Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Dept. of Computer Games

Sept. 28, 2001

Approved new establishment of departments : Information & Communication affiliated departments [ Multimedia Contents major (quota: 40)(night), Next Generation Software major (quota: 40)(night) ]

Oct. 29, 2001

Approved change of department names :

  • Dept. of Electrical Calculation → Dept. of Internet Information, Dept. of Leisure Sports → Dept. of Tourism & Leisure Sports (Merged and systematized departments)
  • Design affiliated departments : Dept. of Applied Art →Textile & Practical Design major, Cultural Product Design major, Illustration major, Dept. of Visual Design→Visual Information & Design major, Web Design major, Dept. of Clothing Design → Fashion Design major

Aug. 28, 2002

Signed international exchange agreement with Accademia Italiana (Italy)

Oct. 10, 2002

Approved change of major name : Illustration major→Illustration & Cartoon major

Signed international exchange agreement with Cagayan De Oro College (the Philippines)

Oct. 25, 2002

Signed international exchange agreement with Monash University (Australia)

Oct. 29, 2002

Signed international exchange agreement with Yanbian University of Science & Technology (China)

Jun. 7, 2003

President Han Soon-ok inaugurated

Jun. 8, 2003

Signed agreement for curriculum in connection to Konkuk University GLOCAL Campus

Oct. 31, 2003

100th anniversary of Soong Eui Educational Foundation

Published <100-year History of Soong Eui>

연혁 이미지

Oct. 31, 2003

'Stamp for commemorating the 100th anniversary of Soong Eui Educational Foundation' issued by the Ministry of Information and Communication

연혁 이미지

Jan. 1, 2004

President Park Nam-sook inaugurated

Feb. 28, 2004

College HQ and department offices relocated due to remodeling of main building

Apr. 1, 2004

College-affiliated New Media Design Center established

Sept. 15, 2004

Soong Eui College Industry-Academic Cooperation Group established

Oct. 14, 2004

Changed name of departments and majors

Dept. of Literary Creation→Dept. Of Media Literary Creation, Dept. of Tourism & Leisure Sports→Dept. of Leisure Sports, Business Administration major→Dept. Of Business Administration, Tourism major→Dept. of Tourism, Secretary & Administration major→Dept. Of Secretary & Administration, Internet Information major→Dept. of Internet Information, Multimedia Contents major→Dept of Multimedia Contents, Visual Information Design major→Visual Design major, Illustration & Cartoon major→Children’s Art Design major, Next Generation Communication Software major→Mobile Software major, Cultural Product Design major→Metal Decorative Design major

Dec. 24, 2004

Relocated elementary school building (former-Community College main building)

Sept. 1, 2005

Changed name of Secretariat -> General Affairs Office

Changed name of Academic Information Center Computer Support section -> Computer Support Center

Jan. 1, 2006

Newly established Development Planning Office

Newspaper/broadcasting station/school publishing office → merged into Newspaper & Broadcasting Station

Feb. 28, 2006

Closed departments : Dept. of Multimedia Contents, Dept. of Mobile Software

Sept. 20, 2006

Closed departments : Textile & Applied Design major, Metal Decorative Design major

Newly established department : Textile & Metal Design major

Oct. 30, 2006

Soong Eui History Museum, Soong Eui Gallery opened

연혁 이미지

Jan. 31, 2007

Signed international exchange agreement with School of Visual Arts (US)

Jul. 23, 2007

Signed international exchange agreement with Buena Vista University

Jan. 1, 2008

President Kim Myeong-ok inaugurated

Jan. 1, 2008

Soong Eui Social Volunteer Service Corps founded

Feb. 29, 2008

Closed departments : Dept. of Dance, Dept. of Leisure Sports

Mar. 1, 2008

Newly established departments : Dept. of Dance & Leisure Sports

Mar. 1, 2008

Merged departments and adjusted quota : Dept. of Dance, Dept. of Leisure Sports → Dept. of Dance & Leisure Sports

Nov. 6, 2008

Signed international exchange agreement with Nottingham Trent University (UK)

Apr. 16, 2009

Kim Ok-gil Memorial Hall and Hong Jong-myeong Exhibition Room opened

연혁 이미지

Jul. 1, 2009

Signed agreement for curriculum in connection to Yonsei University Wonju Campus

Jul. 1, 2009

Signed agreement for curriculum in connection to Yonsei University Wonju Campus

Jul. 17, 2009

Signed education, information & cultural exchange agreement with Seoul Jung-gu Office

Nov. 2, 2009

Signed agreement for curriculum in connection to Hongik University Sejong Campus