
Nov. 30, 2010

Signed educational cooperation agreement with Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Jan. 02, 2011

Soong Eui College Church founded

연혁 이미지

Feb. 28, 2011

Closed department : Dept. of Computer Games

Mar. 1, 2011

President Ahn Jae-shin inaugurated

Apr. 8, 2011

Selected as excellent college in 2011 Educational Capacity Strengthening Project

Nov. 1, 2011

New annex building of Soong Eui Women’s College completed

연혁 이미지

Jan. 4, 2012

Designated as educational donation institution

Mar. 1, 2012

Changed department names

  • Textile & Metal Design major → Dept. of Jewelry Design
  • Dept. of Music → Musical Contents major
  • Dept. of Media Literary Creation → Media Literary Creation major
  • Dept. of Internet Information → Digital Media major
  • Dept. of Dance & Leisure Sports → Dance & Sports major

Apr. 30, 2012

Selected as excellent college in 2012 Educational Capacity Strengthening Project

Jun. 19, 2012

School name changed to Soong Eui Women’s University


Oct. 30, 2012

Unveiling ceremony for Statue of Ahn Jung Geun

연혁 이미지

Jan. 1, 2013

President Lee Gyeong-min inaugurated

Mar. 2013

1st Bachelor of literature information degree course of academic credit bank system begins

Aug. 26, 2013

President Lee Seung-won inaugurated

Oct. 30, 2013

Soong Eui History Museum and Soong Eui Gallery reopened and Kim Woo Ryong Library opened to commemorate the 100th anniversary

연혁 이미지

Mar. 1, 2014

Changed department names : Jewelry Design major → Dept. of Jewelry Design, Video Contents major → Dept. of Video Contents

Merged departments : Music Contents major, Dance & Sports major → Dept. of Performing Arts Contents

Dec. 25, 2014

Soong Eui Moffett Memorial Church established

Dec. 30, 2014

Acquired Higher Education Accreditation as Community College (Jan. 1, 2015 ~ Dec. 31, 2019)

연혁 이미지

제 인증15-04 호


  • 대학명 : 숭의여자대학교
  • 유효기간 : 2015.1.1. ~ 2019.12.31.(5년)

위 대학은 고등교육법 제 11조의2에 근거하여 교육부 지정 한국전문대학교육협의회부설 고등직업교육평가인증원이 실시한 기관평가인증 심사에서 교육품질 인증대학으로 선정되었기에 인증서를 수여합니다.

2015년 1월 1일


Mar. 2015

1st OBS broadcasting academy course begins

Apr. 9, 2015

Soong Eui Moffett Memorial Church dedicated

연혁 이미지

Apr. 9, 2015

Medium-sized auditorium of annex building named “Park Hyeon-sook Hall’

Jul. 28, 2015

President Yoon Seung-jin inaugurated

Oct. 30, 2015

Soong Eui Portrait Gallery opened

연혁 이미지

Oct. 4, 2016

Signed business agreement with Seoul Jung-gu Office (volunteer activities, vitalization of traditional market, job creation, etc.)

Mar. 1, 2018

Changed department names : Fashion Design major->Dept. of Fashion Design, Jewelry Design major->Dept. of Jewelry Design, Visual Design major->Dept. of Visual Communication Design, Performance Contents major->Department of Performance Contents, Media Literary Creation major->Dept. of Media Literary Creation, Digital Media major->Dept. of Digital Media Design, Video Contents major->Dept. Of Video Production

Apr. 26, 2018

Recertified as educational donation institution

Aug. 2018

Moffett Memorial Soong Eui Concern Hall remodeled

연혁 이미지

Mar. 1, 2019

Changed department name : Dept. of Secretary Administration -> Dept. of Secretary Talent

Newly established departments : Dept. of Store Management, Dept. of IT Business

Closed departments : Dept. of Business Administration, Dept. of Digital Media Design

Jul. 28, 2019

President Goo Geon-seo inaugurated

Aug. 26, 2019

Dream Square opened

연혁 이미지

Jan. 1, 2020

Acquired Higher Education Accreditation as Community College (Jan. 2020 ~ Dec. 31, 2020)

Mar. 1, 2020

Changed department name : Dept. of Children’s Art & Childcare -> Dept. of Childcare in Education

Nov. 30, 2020

University laboratory (Lecture building C) remodeled

연혁 이미지

Jan. 1, 2021

Acquired Higher Education Accreditation as Community College (Jan. 1, 2021 ~ Dec. 31, 2024)

Mar. 2021

Closed departments : Dept. of Media Literary Creation, Dept. of Performing Arts

Jun. 1, 2021

Baek Jeong-soo inaugurated as chairman (Inauguration ceremony on May 31)

연혁 이미지

Aug. 1, 2021

President Park Seong-hee inaugurated

Mar. 1, 2022

Changed department names

Dept. of Family Welfare -> Dept. of Social Welfare, Dept. of Store Management → Dept. of Service Management, Dept. of Tourism → Dept. of Hotel and Tourism

Changed school system

Dept. of Video Production : 2-year course → 3-year course

Aug. 30, 2022

Established Next Generation Comprehensive Information System

Nov. 2022

Signed MOU with YG Entertainment

Mar. 2023

Newly established departments (Dept. of Acting Arts (3-year), Dept. of Applied Music (2-year), Dept. of Health & Public Administration (3-year))

Apr. 28, 2023

Diplomatic Club Cafe opened

연혁 이미지

Aug. 1, 2023

President Park Gyeong-ho inaugurated

Oct. 31, 2023

120th anniversary of Soong Eui Educational Foundation

Published <120-year History of Soong Eui>