Department of Acting Arts

Good to Great Leader

Creativity & Character-centered Soong Eui Women’s University

The Department of Acting Arts aims to train professional actors in theater, movies, broadcasting, and musicals, which are the flower of the 21st cultural industry and arts by providing acting training and education focusing on practical skills. We provide education with a specialized and systematic curriculum covering everything from the basics of acting arts through intensive training by professors active in the scene of acting to practical courses for entering various genres encompassing theater and broadcasting.

Educational goal

  • To train professional actors in media acting (broadcasting, movies) and stage acting (theater, musicals).
  • On-the-job training through MOUs with broadcasting stations, large entertainment companies, and theater groups.
  • To train global artists and entertainers by utilizing the theory and characteristics of video media and performance.
  • To organize a specialized education system that can be connected to and strengthen practical competence by understanding the academic foundation and creatively implementing acting skills.
  • To foster professionals specialized for each part capable of artistic expression.

Department characteristics

Soong Eui Women’s University with a history of 119 years begins a new chapter in acting arts with a 3-year education course at Myeong-dong, the center of Seoul.
The department provides education focusing on field training so students can polish their acting skills and experiment with a professional sense in a big theater with 1,919 seats consisting of seats on the 1st and 2nd floor for the audience and a small theater with 306 seats equipped with various high-tech equipment, as well as practice rooms for each field including a broadcasting studio. We run a system in which professionals currently active at the scene of acting provide practical education, and educate students with a specialized and systematic curriculum so they can experience acting firsthand and become members of society. In particular, we provide various opportunities for connecting learning to the scene of acting by maximizing the practical skills of students and displaying their acting skills on the domestic and global stage through the process of exploring and polishing acting skills via creative activities to creatively produce and practice acting. We also allow students to be active as specialists in related areas even while attending school.



Rm.311, Concert Hall, 10, Sopa-ro 2 gil (Yejang-dong), Jung-gu, Seoul, Postal Code 100-751

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