Dept. of Health Administration

Good to Great Leader

Creativity & Character-centered Soong Eui Women’s University

“Fostering Female Professionals in Health Administration Tailored to the Demand for Medical Care”

The Department of Health Administration aims to foster female professionals in health administration tailored to the demand for medical care, who are equipped with theory and practical skills to lead the era of smart healthcare. For this purpose, we train female health administration professionals who can be immediately hired for health administration work through education programs tailored to demands by running curriculum suitable for medical institutions as well as healthcare businesses based on KAHIME (Korean Accreditation Board for Health & Medical Information Management Education)’s education certification courses. We also foster them by providing education programs for enhancing the practical skills through industry-academia cooperation with healthcare businesses.

Specialized Areas

Direction of Specialization
  • Education course for acquiring a national license for healthcare information administrator (formerly, medical record administrator)
  • NCS (National Competency Standard)-based curriculum
  • Fostering female professionals based on performance through education specialized for healthcare information management, hospital administration, and hospital guidance.
  • Strengthening employment competitiveness by training female professionals suitable for demand in the area of healthcare through industry-academia cooperation
  • Acquisition of healthcare information manager license through special lectures within the department and acquisition of licenses for majoring in more than 4 qualifications per person in hospital administration
  • Training of inspection request specialists by running a course for training inspection request specialists


  • Certification program for training healthcare information management for acquiring healthcare information manager license
    • Required subjects include healthcare information management studies, healthcare information management practice, healthcare information protection, disease and medical practice classification, medical record information analysis practice, practice for enhancing the quality of medical record information, cancer registration, healthcare quality management, theory & practice of health insurance, healthcare & medical statistics, healthcare data management, medical information technology, medical regulations, medical terminology, pathology, medical field training, etc.
  • Subjects in specialized areas such as hospital administration and hospital guidance
    • Intensive course on medical review & evaluation (1,2), medical service marketing, customer experience management, customer relations management, hospital accounting management, etc.



Rm.517, Lecture building A, 10, Sopa-ro 2 gil (Yejang-dong), Jung-gu, Seoul, Postal Code 100-751

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