International Exchange Program

해외교류 이미지
Language training

We are providing language training by sending students to exchange universities in countries such as the US and Japan using the vacation period. Any student enrolled in our university can sign up for language training. Specific details related to the training are announced before the vacation period.

Design Training

Students can personally experience the information of advanced countries in design and get the feel of international design. We are running an overseas design training program at SVA in New York, USA every year. Through this program, our students can personally experience English classes or their major, design practice classes, site visits to related companies, and foreign cultures.

Exchange student

This is a student exchange program in which we send out our students to overseas universities we have signed exchange agreements with, and enable students to acquire credits for subjects in regular semesters and seasonal semesters while learning at overseas universities for a certain period of time based on these exchange agreements.
This program provides opportunities for students to enhance their foreign language skills, promote a broad understanding of foreign cultures, engage in various exchanges with foreign students, and conduct research and learn about their majors in-depth.
We are currently sending exchange students to colleges located in Japan. During the period of student exchange, the tuition fee is paid to our university just like enrolled students, and the tuition fee of colleges our students are sent to is either exempt or only a small amount of the fee needs to be paid.
In addition, credits obtained during the student exchange period can be recognized as completed credits of our university after going through a prescribed procedure.